
点击这里 for the full article discussing this year's recipients and the significance of the 西蒙斯杰出奖.


East Dallas Community Schools, 特里·纳尔逊·福特 '74, Co-Founder


East Dallas Community Schools (EDCS) was founded in 1978 by 特里·纳尔逊·福特 ’74 and John Fullinwider with the mission of providing all children, 无论收入如何, with an outstanding Montessori education by having them start young and involving their parents. From its original class of eight students, EDCS has grown to serve more than 550 students across three campuses. For more than 35 years EDCS has documented the power of a quality early childhood education. The result of parent education and innovative classroom environments is a strong educational foundation for children most at risk of failure in school.

Video Clip-East Dallas Community Schools


特克斯保护, The Texas Association for the Protection of Children, 玛德琳·杜海姆·麦克卢尔, 创始人兼执行董事


Founded in 2004 by 玛德琳·杜海姆·麦克卢尔, TexProtects, The Texas Association for the Protection of Children brings a collective voice to represent the needs of children at risk of abuse and the survivors of child abuse and neglect. TexProtects developed from the Dallas-based Child Abuse Prevention Advocacy Commission (CAPAC), a group organized in 2000 to reform Dallas County’s Child Protective Services (CPS). 自治, 无党派,不涉及政治, texprotect教育决策者, private benefactors and the public about the crucial need to address the pandemic of child abuse and neglect in Texas and has played an instrumental role in landmark legislation benefiting CPS and the children it serves.



Children's Defense Fund, 玛丽安·赖特·爱德曼, Founder and President


The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) was born of the spirit of the civil rights movement and established by 玛丽安·赖特·爱德曼 in 1973 with the mission to advocate on behalf of children. Edelman realized the crucial need for a focus on children, 尤其是弱势儿童, 与马丁·路德·金共事时, Jr., and his Poor People’s Campaign, fighting for social and economic justice for all in the 1960s. The CDF’s motto of “Leave No Child Behind” reflects the effort to improve the lives of children through better health care, 照顾孩子, 营养, equal educational opportunities and effective leadership training so that they may become strong and productive members of society.

Video Clip-Marian Wright and 约拿埃德尔曼


Stand for Children, 约拿埃德尔曼, Co-Founder and CEO


自从帮助他的母亲, 玛丽安·赖特·爱德曼, organize a Stand for Children Day rally of more than 300,000人在华盛顿, D.C., in 1996, 约拿埃德尔曼 has built Stand for Children into an influential advocacy group focused on improving public education. Stand for Children now has affiliates in 11 states to help students through key supports that promote grade-level reading; raise academic standards and teacher and principal quality; increase students’ access to pre-K, full-day kindergarten and high-performing schools; and ensure that more students are enrolled in college-track courses.

Video Clip-Marian Wright and 约拿埃德尔曼