Baptist House Events

The BHS organizes, hosts and sponsors events that seek to deepen our understanding of ministry. From informal monthly lunches with special guest speakers to a two-day conference on sacred storytelling, we work to make BHS events informative, 广阔的, 和包容的. 

The BHS is also proud to also partner with organizations like Baptist Women in Ministry, Fellowship Southwest, Baptist Joint Committee, 信仰共用, Nevertheless She Preached and other denominational bodies to sponsor and elevate the good work of others. 

Special Events

牧师. Amy Butler Book Talk 

October 25, 2023

牧师. Dr. Amy Buter preached a good word in chapel before engaging in a dialogue about her new book, Beautiful and Terrible Things.牧师. Dr. Amy Butler speaking in Perkins SMU Chapel牧师. Dr. Amy Butler with 牧师. Victoria Robb Powers

Sacred Speech: A Writing Workshop for Pastors, Prophets, and Poets

2月. 6-7, 2023

Jonathan Merritt, an award-winning faith and culture writer; Erin Lane, 一个作家, 神学家, and vocational facilitator; and a highly qualified panel of workshop leaders, 帮助我们 explore the purpose, process, and pitfalls of telling sacred stories.

Jonathan Merritt and Erin LaneJonathan Merritt speaks to conference 牧师. 迈克尔水域 
牧师. 水母普拉特
2020 Shurden Lectures



The BHS hosted the Baptist Joint Committee’s 15th Annual Walter B. 和Kay W. Shurden Lecture on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church & State featuring Dr. 埃布帕特尔, the Founder and President of Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), a non-profit organization working to make interfaith cooperation a social norm in America.


Chapel Services

At least once a semester, the BHS plans the weekly chapel service in Perkins Chapel. Inviting a wide variety of Baptist and Free Church preachers and musicians, we enjoy sharing a service from our unique perspective as Baptists and Free Church folks.

牧师. Ray Jordan Preaching

Serving Communion

Darren DeMent playing guitar 







一个月一次, the BHS hosts a lunch gathering with a special guest speaker to share about their unique ministerial context. Speakers have included a spiritual director, the owner of a sustainable farming retreat center, a community organizer, nonprofit leaders, 出版商, 和其他人. Lunch Conversation









Sponsored Events

The BHS is proud to sponsor the good work of our ministry partners including Fellowship Southwest, Baptist Women in Ministry, Nevertheless She Preached, Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, American Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and Alliance of Baptists. BHS Resource TableBHS Conference Attendees





Celebratory Events

At the beginning and end of each semester we gather to celebrate what is, 发生了什么?, and what is to come.Dinner Gathering