Nila Sinha

Part-Time 教师

Adjunct Professor in Management and Organizations

Management, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship




Ph.D., Florida International University


Nila Sinha, 博士学位, is Founder and Principal of Sinha Solutions, a boutique consulting services firm specializing in the design and delivery of selection and talent development solutions. She leverages nearly 20 years of practioner experience. Her prior position at OutMatch, a Dallas based predictive assessment company, entailed leading a team of I/O Psychologists who served as talent solutions experts. She has assisted in the project management and oversight of of 25+ validations, 投资回报率的研究, and program implementation at any given time across her team. Her areas of specialization include construction of competency-based hiring and development programs, psychological assessment, test validation, and employee development. Over the course of her career, she has worked with clients such as Travelers Insurance, 7 - 11, 康卡斯特公司, American Airlines, and BNSF in the design and validation of customized selection systems, and leadership development programs. She has adapted assessment tools and conducted certification training for businesses across the international marketplace including Indonesia, 韩国, 印度, 和中国. On a personal note, Nila loves reading and writing both fiction and nonfiction, 电影, 旅行, and good food with good friends! She currently lives in North Dallas.


Management in Action MNO6238


Psychological assessment, Competency modeling