

Creativity | Friendship | Growth | Purpose | Responsibility



Get a feel for all that 劳埃德共用 has to offer by scrolling through the photo gallery or viewing the video. If you prefer, check it out for yourself by visiting campus, or take an online 360°room tour.



  • Furniture (per resident): desk, chair, bed, & 梳妆台
  • 有线和无线互联网
  • 免费现场洗衣机/烘干机
  • 可提供符合ada标准的房间
  • 电,水,下水道, & 包括回收/垃圾服务
  • 免费洗衣
  • 可移动的家具
  • 游戏的房间
  • 社区微波
  • 步行或骑自行车去上课
  • 在附近的宾克利车库停车
  • 方便前往Mac 's Place
  • 24小时自习室和空间
  • Faculty-in-Residence
  • Peer Academic Leaders (PALs), Honors Mentors, 和 Student Wellness Champions
  • 教育项目
  • 在下院发表的教室
  • 专业、现场维修
  • 24小时待命
  • 门禁卡
  • 安全护送
  • 室友匹配
  • 相邻的自行车架


 社区的缩写  劳埃德
 能力建设  241
 年建成  2014
 居民区  东南
 物理地址  布什大道5901号
 房间类型  单打及双打
 性别  男女同校



Sketches are for illustration only; actual room layouts 和 furnishings may vary.






劳埃德·考姆斯以保罗·B. 劳埃德,小. (’68) 和 his wife Penny Requa 劳埃德 for their generous $5 million gift for the new residential commons buildings. The gift was announced during the Founders Day Celebration in April 2012. SMU has benefited in countless ways from the long-st和ing support of Penny 和 Paul 劳埃德,小. Their contributions have impacted areas across the University, 包括体育, student programs 和 scholarship support. 

The 劳埃德s’ involvement at SMU includes Mr. 劳埃德’s service as a member of the Board of Trustees, 和 both Mr. 和夫人. 劳埃德 serve on several University boards 和 committees. The 劳埃德s received the Mustang Award in 1999 in recognition of their remarkable philanthropic support of SMU.

2012年,奥巴马. 和夫人. 劳埃德 provided a leadership gift for a new 住宅共用 facility. Fittingly, the building is located near Ford Stadium, the home of SMU football 和 the Paul B. 劳埃德,小. 所有体育中心. These campus l和marks are a testament to the 劳埃德s’ ongoing commitment to the many facets of the SMU educational experience. SMU is honored to name 劳埃德共用 in recognition of their continued generosity. 


  • Typical square footage ranges from 180-205
  • 书桌:2'6“高x 4'宽x 2'深
  • 桌面存储单元: 30"H x 17W x 24 1⁄2 D; Grommet allows students to lock desk storage)
  • 梳妆台:2'6“高× 2'6”宽× 2'深
  • 床:80英寸长x 36英寸宽(XL长度双人床)
  • 窗户:45英寸宽. 高度依楼层而定.


Engage Dallas is a place-based community engagement initiative via SMU’s 住宅共用 to address community needs focusing on South 和 West Dallas. 这一倡议是长期的, university-wide commitment led by students to partner with local residents, 组织, 和 other leaders to positively impact the community. There is equal emphasis on campus 和 community impact stemming from the initiative.

劳埃德共用 crest, 青年订婚 和 外展

在下议院,我们关注的是 青年订婚 & 外展 作为达拉斯的社区需求. 劳埃德 students address this by collaborating on service events 和 activities with local partners 怜悯街德克萨斯州东北部的女童子军 和 西达拉斯STEM学校 直接帮助那些最需要帮助的人. Our students who serve gain a broader underst和ing of current social problems, build community with both the city 和 their peers, 并且可以获得他们的 社区参与和公民 & 个人道德水平 毕业要求. Engage Dallas cultivates unique 和 enriching experiences for SMU students to explore 和 serve Dallas! 


问题? Email your 劳埃德 Engage Dallas Student Director, Grace Umba engagedallas@jfjd999.com


students having cookies with the FiR in the FiR apartment

Dr. K治疗

Every week, our very own Faculty-in-Residence, Dr. K, cooks up some homemade treats for the 劳埃德 Community!


骆驼罗摩 is 劳埃德's Annual Fall Carnival. 劳埃德 celebrates the fall season with food, games, 和 fun.



The 劳埃德 Banquet is the first official event that certifies our newest community members. Each First-Year student is given the 劳埃德 pin 和 the values of the community are presented by the Faculty-in-Residence 和 住宅社区总监. Resident Assistants are given the honor of pinning new First Year residents on their floor!


Get to know the Faculty-in-Residence 和 住宅社区总监 of 劳埃德共用.


Dr. 贾斯汀日尔曼


贾斯汀日尔曼 is a 德州 native, born 和 raised in Fort Worth. After completing his undergraduate degree, he served in the Air Force for three years 和 led two overseas deployments as a Company Grade Officer. 在他服役期间, he earned two master’s degrees at both University of Oklahoma, 和SMU. 他在日本教了一年英语, 厄瓜多尔, 和 taught Latin for another three years in Waco, 德州. Professor Germain earned his doctorate from The University of Indiana in classical studies 和 came to SMU in the fall of 2016, where he has shared his passion for the classics ever since. 了解更多关于博士. 杰曼和他的家人.

CJ Shufford



CJ Schufford will join the RLSH team as the RCD for 劳埃德共用. CJ completed a Bachelor of Arts at the University of North 德州 和 a Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership at TCU where he worked as a 兄弟会和姐妹会生活 Graduate Hall Director 和 a 兄弟会和姐妹会生活 Graduate Advisor. He served as a Conference Intern at the University of Michigan. His areas of interest include Equity 和 Access in Higher Education, Promoting Mental Health Awareness among Underrepresented communities, 和 improving Multi-Cultural Competency within the communities where he works. CJ is a huge Dallas sports fanatic 和 is looking forward to exploring Dallas with his finance Jacqueline 和 puppy Frida. C.J.'s favorite aspect of the 住宅共用 is how each commons have unique identities 和 traditions!