Access our guides and download the eBook versions to help you on your journey as a graduate student or check out our blog, 推进领域 了解更多信息资料.


As you research and prepare for graduate school, make sure you understand the process at every step. 这是否意味着你正在选择一个项目, 申请研究生院, 或者准备写论文, you need to be as informed as possible to make the best decisions.


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Discover how SMU is supporting world-changing research, competitive funding, & professional and community engagement thanks to a $100 million gift from the 喜怒无常的 Foundation.

How to Get a PhD: A Guide to Choosing and 应用ing to PhD 程序s

自信地完成你的博士学位搜索! 本指南提供了您选择课程所需的信息, apply successfully and thrive during your years of doctoral study. 


在达拉斯生活、工作、放松和学习是什么感觉? Get to know the city we call home and explore the unexpected opportunities that await you at SMU! 我们总说达拉斯会有大事发生. 你的毕业生涯会是其中之一吗?



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How to Get Your Master's Degree: A Guide for International Students

仔细考虑你的兴趣是很重要的, 值, and long-term goals when choosing a master’s degree — you’ll also need resources to guide you through your journey.


阅读有关选择和申请博士学位的信息.D. program, financing your degree, navigating housing and living in the U.S., and finding resources at SMU that can help you to do all these things successfully.


SMU's Graduate School is proud to offer doctoral and master’s degrees in a wide variety of fields. This guide is designed to give you an overview of the admissions requirements and processes for our Master’s and Doctoral programs.



在SMU, our goal is to make your education financially attainable and to cultivate a collaborative and supportive community that sets you up for success. Tune in to learn about the competitive fellowships and funding opportunities available through the 喜怒无常的 研究生院 及高级研究. 


在这个录制的网络研讨会中发现穆迪的意思. Hear from current PhD students about what it's like to be a mustang and how they've used the resources available through the 喜怒无常的 研究生院 及高级研究 to enhance their academic experience. 






经济学是一个迷人而复杂的领域. With the right education and qualifications, it can lead to a fulfilling (and lucrative) career. 那么,怎样才能成为一名成功的经济学家呢? 在本指南中, we’ll provide you with an overview of the various master’s degree options in economics and related fields, as well as the different career paths for which each degree will prepare you.


Data analysts are the backbone of any data-driven organization — collecting, 存储, 维护, and analyzing large amounts of information that can have a major impact on the bottom line. But data analysis isn't just about crunching numbers and analyzing spreadsheets. It's about finding the story behind the data and using it to help businesses make smarter decisions. 


经济学是一个迷人而复杂的领域. With the right education and qualifications, it can lead to a fulfilling (and lucrative) career. 那么,怎样才能成为一名成功的经济学家呢? 在本指南中, we’ll provide you with an overview of the various master’s degree options in economics and related fields, as well as the different career paths for which each degree will prepare you.


Data analysts are the backbone of any data-driven organization — collecting, 存储, 维护, and analyzing large amounts of information that can have a major impact on the bottom line. But data analysis isn't just about crunching numbers and analyzing spreadsheets. It's about finding the story behind the data and using it to help businesses make smarter decisions. 


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网上指南 & Flexible Graduate Degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Our world needs qualified and passionate engineering professionals to provide solutions around the world. Learn how you can make a difference with an advanced degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from SMU.

发现你的星球:获得博士学位的完整指南.D. 地球科学

这个资源突出了地球科学的价值, details current research among SMU Earth Sciences faculty members, describes the different research areas available within the Earth Sciences discipline, 并讨论了博士学位的职业选择.D. 本领域专业人士. 

Addressing Challenges 在教育 and Learning: A Complete Guide to Earning a Ph.D. 在教育

This resource aims to demonstrate the value of education research, 探索当前发生在该领域的研究, and exemplify how SMU offers high-caliber research opportunities to its doctoral candidates.   


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获得博士学位的完整指南.D. 电气与计算机工程

Explore the many facets of electrical and computer engineering and the Ph.D. programs that are preparing these engineers to invent the future. The guide also looks at research being conducted within the field and specifically at Southern Methodist University.


你想了解生活中“大问题”的主题吗?? 如果是对历史的热爱, literature or religious studies is driving you to explore a doctoral degree, we invite you to explore the three interdisciplinary humanities PhDs offered at SMU  and learn about the career opportunities in academia in beyond.  

Exploring the Universe: A Complete Guide to Studying Physics at SMU

在本指南中, you will get a chance to dive deeper into what it means to study physics, 物理学家可以从事哪些职业, and how Southern Methodist University is preparing their physics graduate students for meaningful careers.



因为来自传感器等设备的数据爆炸式增长, 手机, 医疗器械, 以及业务流程, 调查, 还有社交媒体, there is accelerating demand for specialists who are trained in data collection and analysis.  



Learn in the guide about the interdisciplinary nature of chemical research, the cutting-edge research taking place on SMU’s high-performance computers, and the history of SMU’s Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Ph.D. 程序.



Earning a PhD in Economics means you have completed the highest level of education in the discipline, thereby creating nearly unlimited opportunities for any job in a related field.



联系 our Director of Graduate Recruitment who can help point you in the right direction.
