
SMU Lyle的研究人员和计算机科学专业的学生建立了一个基础设施仪表板原型,以确定达拉斯的62个基础设施沙漠, 然后召集专家促进对话并采取行动

Dr Minsker
Dr. Minsker (right), along with Ph.新大博士生郑力和一组学生和研究人员, 建立了数据科学工具来评估达拉斯社区基础设施的不平等.

达拉斯县于2021年在公平公园设立了一个大型公共COVID-19疫苗接种点, 每天都有成千上万的人接种疫苗来预防这种加剧致命流行病的病毒.

但居住在两个街区外的居民却无法享受这项服务. They didn’t have internet access to sign up.

Like residents of 61 other Dallas neighborhoods, 他们生活在基础设施匮乏的低收入地区,缺乏安全的十字路口和通往学校的步行路线, adequate water and sewer services, and basic services like healthcare, grocery stores and internet.

“互联网接入是我们社区可以解决的最大缺陷,它可以帮助我们成长,并像其他社区一样高效地做事,” said Sherri Mixon, Executive Director at T.R. Hoover Community Development Center. “While there are many deficiencies that we need to address, 这将对达拉斯南部社区的每一个地区产生变革.”

Mixon was among 35 Dallas community experts from government, nonprofit, and commercial organizations who gathered at SMU Lyle on Dec. 讨论社区基础设施的挑战并确定政策, research and technology needed to overcome the barriers.

Dr. Barbara Minsker, Bobby B. 领导和全球创业教授,是全国公认的环境和基础设施系统分析专家, led the discussion. Janille Smith-Colin, assistant professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Eric Larson, associate professor of Computer Science, were co-organizers for the event.

“我们的目标是促进对话,通过合作的声音来应对这些挑战。. Minsker said. “We want to make progress together and determine what is needed, whether it’s policies, data, technology, or all of the above.”

Using data science to reveal community need

Dr. 明斯克开始在演示屏幕上点击一张巨大的达拉斯地图. The interactive map revealed visual details, down to the street level, 这些社区缺乏12个关键的基础设施,这些基础设施创造了一个安全的功能性居住区.

The infrastructure equity analyses and prototype dashboard 是由新加坡管理大学的研究人员和计算机科学专业的学生组成的团队在6年638美元的资助下开发的,000 National Science Foundation grant. 该工具允许该团队展示来自各种来源的分析和数据,这些分析和数据可以帮助科学家, policymakers and residents improve their neighborhoods. 

研究显示,达拉斯有62个社区在包括街道在内的8个或更多类别中存在缺陷, sidewalks, pavements, crosswalks, noise walls, street tree canopy, 自行车和步行道,社区聚会场所以及公共交通, hospital or medical services, banks and financial services and food. 每个社区的基础设施都被评为优秀, good, moderate, deficient, or highly deficient.

“我们考察了另外三个城市——纽约、洛杉矶和芝加哥. And Dallas has the worst infrastructure of all of them, and the most inequity in terms of low income versus high income,” Dr. Minsker said.

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A history of disinvestment in South Dallas

Jay Taylor, 并塔开发公司和社区房地产开发商的创始人, was ready to break ground on building a large, beautiful home in the 10th Street Historic District. 他花了一年时间完成设计和审批过程.

But just before breaking ground, to his surprise, builders discovered the lot had no water or sewer line. 增加一个将花费6万美元,这使得该项目过于昂贵而无法继续. 

“In South Dallas, 这里有一大片不合格的线路,这些线路已经使用了40年或更长时间,” he shared with the group. “Some are placed in alleyways, some run right through lots, and some are disconnected altogether from vacant lots, like the one I planned to build on.”

基础设施缺乏进展可以追溯到20世纪30年代, 当银行将一些社区划为不安全区域时. 在达拉斯,这些被划出红线的社区通常是少数族裔居住的. 划清界限使他们无法获得该市其他地区多年来受益的投资. 

虽然红线在多年前就被禁止了,但它的影响至今仍然存在. 分析显示,在历史上以黑人为主的红线地区,其基础设施仍然明显落后于现在以白人为主的社区. 

“When looking at how we distribute infrastructure benefits, we should also consider the history of disenfranchisement,” Dr. Minsker said. “Overall, 数据显示,以黑人为主的社区缺乏基础设施的可能性是其他社区的2到5倍.”

Making progress possible together

After thoughtful breakout discussions among attendees, Dr. 明斯克在会议结束时领导小组概述了下一步行动和如何向前发展的想法,包括与达拉斯市的讨论, a possible consortium for developers and nonprofits, 研究将仪表板扩展为“众包”智能基础设施公平工具包. 群众外包将允许任何居民对基础设施的需求和状况提供意见, request infrastructure investments, and rate input provided by others, 然后用人工智能分析这些数据,为城市推荐投资.

Dr. 明斯克计划在春季举办另一场活动,以保持进展.

“我一直在和他们每个人单独交谈,我认为让他们作为一个团体一起讨论这些问题会很有力量,” she said. “It’s wonderful to see it happen.”


About the Bobby Lyle School of Engineering
SMU's Lyle School of Engineering thrives on innovation that transcends traditional boundaries. We strongly believe in the power of externally funded, 行业支持的研究,以推动进步,并为优秀的学生提供有价值的行业见解. 我们的使命是引领工程教育的数字化转型, 同时确保每个学生毕业时都是一个自信的领导者. Founded in 1925, SMU莱尔是西南地区最古老的工程学院之一, offering undergraduate and graduate programs, including master’s and doctoral degrees.

About SMU
SMU是位于充满活力的城市达拉斯的全国排名的全球研究型大学. SMU’s alumni, faculty and nearly 12,在8所授予学位的学校中,000名学生在引领行业变革的过程中展现了企业家精神, community and the world.